Elavon Credit Card Processing Services

 Elavon credit card processing services
  • ∗Best processing rates guaranteed
  • ∗Side-by-side comparison
  • ∗Free installation & 24hr support
  • ∗No long-term lease
  • ∗No cancellation fees

Elavon Merchant Services Rate Comparison

Elavon has been providing merchant services for many years and they have the largest market share of any credit card processor. Unfortunately, just because they are the biggest doesn’t mean they have the best rates or deals. They will often sell you on a really good sounding effective rate around 2.99% and most people don’t know how to read the fine print. The effective rate is pretty much an average of all the different rates you are charged, depending on the type of card you run. What most people don’t know is that a law past last year that lowers debit card rates to around 1.5 percent. So while you have really good rates on the debit cards because law requires it, the credit cards rates are closer to 4.5%. This extra 1.5% adds up extremely quickly and can mean the difference in thousands of wasted dollars on processing fees.

We not only give you a breakdown of all the true processing rates but we also have no contracts, no cancellation fees or mandatory equipment leases. All we need to do is sit down and do a side-by-side comparison to show you exactly how much money we can be saving you.

Business Applications

  • How can our services help your business?

  • Special events

    Would you like to increase your sales ad revenue at Holiday markets, concerts, shows, or fairs?
  • Trade shows

    take advantage of large purchase orders by processing payments instantly onsite!
  • Small Businesses

    Whether you own a restaurant, food cart, retail shop, mechanic, or any business type. If you sell something, you need to talk to us